Creating an effective landing page is a must for any advertising campaign. Usually, people think designing is easy, the leads and sales will just come once you advertise. But have you made an effective landing page, which gives the right information and can convert a lead into sales?
Web designing agencies can design a better landing page. Still, when it comes to content and strategizing the entire landing page, you need to get in touch with the best advertising agency in India. When you have these two factors in your hand, you don\’t need to worry as they will do it for your brand. But even though if you create by yourself, it\’s not challenging to create an effective landing page, but you need to decide and strategize where the elements should be placed.
Let us advise you, how to create an effective landing page for your business-
- Simplicity matters:
Creating an effective landing page isn\’t rocket science, but as we earlier mentioned, you need to add certain elements and execute them well. How can you do that? It’s easy!
Headline: While creating a headline, see to it that it matches your advert. The message of your advert shouldn\’t differ much from your headlines because it may confuse the audience as to what exactly are you selling.
Brief description: Now, when we say brief, it doesn\’t mean you need to be as short as possible. Break you message into small bites and write it to the point.
Image: Add quality images to your landing page. But see to it, that it doesn\’t distract the audience. 40% of those who buy online, respond to images that are attractive.
Credentials: Show some of your credentials, like if you\’re certified or have won awards in that particular niche. Showcase it on the landing page. Add your social media links so that the audience can follow you. Also, if possible, make your landing page shareable.
CTA: The CTA (Call To Action) is the action you ask your visitor to take. It is the most important factor of the page. The lines in your call-to-action have to be creative enough and relatable. If you offer something free there are more chances of conversion. Use bright colours that catch the eye. Use well thought creative text for the submit button.
2. Tailor your page to your offer:
Tailor and scale your landing page, so there is a good story for your audience to follow. A good story always sells products. Use standardized landing pages for each marketing campaign results in a slow conversion rate or the product being considered as a dull drab.
Remove navigation to other areas from your landing page. Think of your page as an online checkout desk, or else you end up losing your audience.
3. Don\’t forget to deliver value:
If you need conversion, deliver value. Keep a clear target group for your landing pages. See to it that the offer you have given is clear and will provide a solution to their problems. Language matters a lot when you are writing about your offer. The length of the landing page should be as per your niche. For example, if you are offering a technical product at a high cost, then write more benefits about the product.
4. Don\’t ask too much information in the form:
People are not interested in providing too many details, so only ask mandatory questions. Avoid adding a long list of questions because no one is interested in telling you their favorite breakfast or mobile device.
5. Mobile friendly:
Make your landing pages mobile-friendly. It doesn\’t matter if your landing pages are attractive or not, if it isn’t opening correctly on a mobile phone. People will not be able to get the right information if you don’t have a mobile optimized landing page, and they will simply leave without making a decision.
Saying thanks to your audience is a nice gesture, no matter where you\’re from! Along with Thanks, you can also provide something valuable in return, for example, a checklist to create the best designs for your brand. It all depends upon the industry you are in.
Now, you have ways and means for creating an effective landing page for your business. But always focus on being simple as that is the secret sauce for getting more conversions. With the help of creative platforms or web development agencies and advertising agencies in India, you can create an effective landing page and better conversion rates for your business.