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How to be visible on Google Search Results?


Every brand wants to be visible at the top of the page in Google search results, but how do you do that?

How to be visible on Google Search Results?

Don\’t worry; we’ll guide you on how to be visible on Google search results. You need to do some simple Google recommended steps so that the Search Engine giant can know that you exist on google and are important in your chosen sector. Follow these ways to be visible on Google Search Results:

  1. Register your site with Google Search Console:

Google Search Console allows you to submit your website and its sitemap to Google for indexing. It\’s a free service from Google. It doesn\’t matter whether you\’re using Shopify, WordPress, or Wix; you can add your website to this service to start with an excellent SEO strategy.

After submitting your sitemap to the Google Search Console, the Google is aware that your website exists, which is essential to appear in search results. How Google Search Console helps-

a) You can view the search queries that are driving traffic to your site.

b) To be sure that Google is not encountering any errors on your site.

c) Let\’s you know if there is a different/ old website that may have used your domain

The search console tool can help you maximize the visibility of your site in google search results.

2. Register yourself with Google My Business


Google My Business acts as a local SEO for any business. If you are starting a business, register yourself with Google My Business to be visible on Google Search Results.

Add relevant details about your business like working hours, address, contact number, images of your product or services. Once you are all set with Google My Business profile, take Google reviews from happy customers and ask them to give you as many 5-star ratings as possible. At many SEO Companies in Mumbai, and at Go For It Communications we believe in updating Google My Business to be visible on Google Search Results.

3. Make your site fast loading and mobile-friendly:

Google measures every factor while giving you visibility on google search results. Website loading speed has been a ranking factor for Google since 2010. To make sure that your site loading speed is high, keep these things in your mind:

– ensure that your image sizes are small. You can compress with minimal loss of image quality.

– decrease the number of HTTPS requests on your site.

– use a fast hosting service

You can use this tool: Pingdom\’s Website Speed Test tool to identify if your website loads as per Google’s expectations. It will provide you a checklist of things that need to be considered to help you speed up your website speed.


4. Identify the right keywords & add them to your page title and URLs:

You need to do a keyword research and identify the best keywords or phrases that you want to rank on google search results. Ensure you add it correctly.

The following three are very important:

Keyword: The keywords people are using to search for products or services of yours.

Volume: Choose keywords with a high search volume. 

Difficulty in ranking: Check whether the keyword you have chosen is easy or difficult to rank. The way to identify this is by checking the competition score. Google divides keywords into 3 buckets, based on the bidding done by advertisers for each keyword. Each word can either be a high, low or medium competition word. A high competition is tough to rank and vice-versa. 

Now, how and where do you add appropriate keywords:

Page titles: The headline, which is displayed on google search results. 

Meta description: summarizes the page in google search results and is a description of the page.

– Headings: While writing an article, the signpost headers (H1, H2, H3, H4) are used. It helps you to be visible on Google Search Results. 

Page URL: This is how your page URL should be: 

https// us (if the page indicates about section)

5. Create Backlinks:

Constructing page titles, adding meta description, optimization of url is not enough; you need to create \’Backlinks\’ pointing to your website. Backlinks are links from other sites linked to your site, and Google counts them as a vote for your content. 

Consider these two ways to build Backlinks:

Outreach: ask other sites or bloggers  or influencers to feature links to your content on their sites/ social media

Create high quality and keyword-friendly articles: select the niche, which is relatable to your niche and create a high-quality keyword-friendly article. When someone else writes on your website or you write on any other website, it is known as \’Guest Blogging\’. 


There is much more to ranking and improving your Google Search ranking, so always follow google tips. In case you need help, get in touch with us. 

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